Friday, 31 July 2009

write; be recognized, earn or resent

The title sums up the mindset of some writers - published & unpublished - revealed to me in a blog entry that was advertised on Twitter by Ellen Meister. I think it's by US agent Jenny Bent.

I have to express how much it saddens me to read how it's a given that some writers resent another's success and feel selling a book for "15k" is disappointing. Surely six figure deals are hard to come by. In my view, "15k" is a huge amount of money & a huge success. It should be seen as an incentive to do better if money is a motivation. I understand how the point of writing full time is to earn enough so the day job can go but what's so awful about keeping a full or part time job? Surely it serves as inspiration or motivation?

It just hadn't occurred to me for a while that there are writers out there who are motivated by equal measures of a passion for writing and earning potential. And it absolutely hadn't occurred to me to envy other writers for their success. I have two playwright pals who I feel nothing but ecstacy for whenever they achieve. I don't need a blog by an agent to remind me to be positive. I am positive. Anyone letting themselves get down because of another's success and a lack of recognition is undeserving to me. Write cuz u luv it, and for no other purpose. Don't whine on about how so & so is doing better than you. *shakes head* exhales. Rant over.

p.s. I appreciate how naive I come across in this post but I don't care.

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