Tuesday, 15 September 2009


Last night whilst in bed I heard on the radio that Patrick Swayze had died at 57 years of age. Then I woke up only to see on the TV that Keith Floyd had also died, but of a heart attack. This got me thinking about the time I was driving in my car & heard over the radio that Heath Ledge had died. Since then, numerous celebrities had died. These people were wondeful creative people and/or entertainers & all of them died young, leaving behind families. This is something I identify with deeply. Because my mother died young too, leaving behind me. And it is with the children of these people that I identify with most. I feel empathy with the loss of a parent. And not just any parent, but a popular, talented parent. Heath Ledger, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, John Hughes & Patrick Swayze. The world too feels the loss of these beloved ones. But there is also the DJ AM and Keith Floyds. Lesser known about them, but still dead celebrities.

It got me thinking that there are now vacancies for out standing performers, writers, sexy actors/dancers and amazing actors. Will new talent sprout? Will any one step into their places? Or will new talent emerge, delighting the world in a whole new way? One things for sure, people such as Heath, Michael and Patrick will not be forgotten, not least by their own families but by the world. Although I hadn't given it much thought in the past, I imagined such icons living forever. Never aging. But now they're gone, and I live ina world without them. The world seems all the more dull, and the end all the more inevitable. But their deaths have given me (a no one from nowhere) a slight, only slight, comfort, that not only my mother (of great importance to me) has died, but that people all around the world of great importance are dying too, hopefully going where she has gone.

Another great loss I am feeling is that of my best friend Tom. He is moving to London after being offered the job of his dreams & I will miss him in a painful way. I don't want to lose him.